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Monday 28 October 2013

Garageband 2 iOS7 and 10 prevent Mac to iPad.. Conversion But Here's a fixed1t work around ;-)

iPad... =  iPad 2, 3, or 4, iPhone 4(s) - 5(s), iPad Touch 4th/5th Gen 
GB = Garageband

Please read my previous blogs about iOS7 and GB 2 and GB 10, I was quite enthusiastic about the potential for iCloud sharing between platforms.  I was excited a little too soon.

fixed1t Sum-up of the Garageband Song Sharing Issues

Apple has seriously modified the song/project code for GB 10, under Mavericks which totally blocks Mac GB to iPad...  Song transfer.

Here are the new game play rules as I see them if you want to collaborate with other iPad...  Mac Musicians.

Rule 1) Any song opened in Free Mac GB 10 currently refuses to load or open on any iPad...  ACTION -  Jump to Rule X

Rule 2) fixed1t Converters work brilliantly on any GB 11 song archive :-)
  • They run great with 10.5 Leopard to 10.9 Mavericks OS :-)
  • When transferred to GB 1 for iOS they can happily ping-pong back from Mac GB 11 to and iPad...  :-)
  • When transferred to iOS 7 GB 2 they can no longer be opened again with GB 11 :-(

Rule 3) Once the GB 11 song file is fixed1t converted to iOS7 GB 2 it can be shared back and forth with other other iCloud iPad... devices :-)

Rule 4) An iOS7 GB 2 song file can be download from the iCloud using free GB 10 :-)

Rule 5) Once the song is downloaded to the Mac GB 10, we must Jump to Rule 1

Rule X) iPad... sharing End Of The Line - the Song can only be worked on by users with Mac GB 10 :-)

This is a real pain for an increasing number of users who were really enjoying sending files back and forth between Macs and their iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch.

Recommendation To fixed1t Users

What I an recommending to my users is they keep their install of GB 11 an and compress it and delete the application(see the blog entry), They then install NewGarageband.  Once its installed and has the name NewGarageband you can uncompress the Garageband 11 and have both available.  I made dock entries for each.

I am also recommending that they retrieve a backup of Garageband 1 on an iPad...  so they and their friends can share between the Macs and their iPad...  If they get to the stage that it is only iPad... sharing i.e. near the completion of the song, then they can convert it and load it into Garageband 2 on iOS7 which means they should be able to share the files between iPad...  

When they have finished and are ready to Master, they can (if they want) open it on Garageband 10 on the Mac and finish it there.

Personally, I'll be going back to Garageband 11 and Garageband 1

I'll do a quick blog if I sort out the way forward. 

To use or test the converter, and get your songs onto the iPad you will need Garageband 11 and either Garageband 1 or Garageband 2, but again once its on Garageband 2 it won't go back to Garageband 11 for the time being.

So there are my fixed1t workarounds, Apple have just made it a darn sight more complicated.  At least with the fixed1t converters the conversion is so seamless and quite that it reduces some of the pain.

But as they say, no pain no pleasure.  Personally I'll stick with the pleasure. 

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